Project TIER benefits from the inspiration and support of numerous organizations and initiatives that share our mission to promote a systemic change in the professional norms related to transparency and reproducibility of empirical research. Below are some of our closest affiliates.

The UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN) is a national peer-led consortium that aims to ensure the UK retains its place as a centre for world-leading research. We do this by investigating the factors that contribute to robust research, promoting training activities, and disseminating best practice. We also work collaboratively with various external stakeholders to ensure coordination of efforts across the sector.
We seek to understand the factors that contribute to poor research reproducibility and replicability, and develop approaches to counter these, in order to improve the trustworthiness and quality of research. These issues affect all disciplines, so we aim for broad disciplinary representation. We believe that ongoing efforts to address these issues represent an opportunity to improve our research by reforming culture and practice.

The Atlanta University Center (AUC) Data Science Initiative facilitates and coordinates data science-focused research, activities, and programs across Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, and Spelman College, and the AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library. Leveraging the AUC’s rich history in social justice, the Initiative works to develop promising practices that diversify the data science workforce and advance data science on topics that impact Black America.

FORRT is a Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training advancing research transparency, reproducibility, rigor, and ethics through pedagogical reform. FORRT aims to provide a pedagogical infrastructure designed to recognize and support the teaching and mentoring of open and reproducible science tenets in tandem with prototypical subject matters in higher education. FORRT strives to be an effective, evolving, and community-driven organization raising awareness of the pedagogical implications of open and reproducible science and its associated challenges (i.e., curricular reform, epistemological uncertainty, methods of education). FORRT also advocates for the opening of teaching and mentoring materials as a means to facilitate access, discovery, and learning to those who otherwise would be educationally disenfranchised.

The ReplicationWiki serves as a database of empirical studies in the social sciences. It informs about the availability of replication material for them and categorizes them by keywords, methods used, sources, type and geographic origin of data used, and by software used. It lists replication studies and their types and results as well as corrections and retractions. More than 4,600 studies are already listed as well as over 700 replications.
The database helps social scientists to see which results have already been tested independently and how replications are published. For instructors it helps to easily identify practical examples, e.g., that for which a method was used that they want to teach and for which data and code are available in a software they can use with their students. The experience from courses at several universities around the world shows that this motivates them to study quantitative methods and to published results with healthy skepticism. The wiki also informs about literature on the topic of replication, data policies of journals, on helpful data- and software repositories and on projects related to replication in the different social science disciplines.

The Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS)works to improve the credibility of science by advancing transparency, reproducibility, rigor, and ethics in research. We collaborate with researchers, students, faculty, publishers, and funders across disciplines to:
Generate evidence on problems and solutions in science through meta-research led by BITSS investigators and our broader community.
Increase access to open science education, building capacity to recognize and conduct transparent and reproducible science through training, access to curricula, financial support, and a growing network of advocates and allies.
Strengthen the scientific ecosystem, enabling researchers and institutions to effectively and equitably change norms at scale through open science policy and protocol development.
BITSS was established in 2012 as part of the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), a UC Berkeley-based hub for research on global development.

The Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) brings together scholars working to improve methods and practices in psychological science. Anyone interested in improving psychological research is welcome to join, regardless of experience. SIPS is a service organization aiming to make psychological science higher quality and more cumulative by pursuing activities including:
- Improving the training and research practices of psychological scientists
- Improving institutional policies and norms to incentivize better scientific practices (e.g., journals, societies, departments, and universities)
- Conducting empirical tests of the current state and reforms of scientific practices, and
- Conducting outreach within and outside psychology to achieve a broad, diverse, and inclusive community working on improving cultural and personal research practices.

Founded in 2013, the Center for Open Science (COS) a nonprofit technology and culture change organization with a mission to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research. COS pursues this mission by building communities around open science practices, supporting metascience research, and developing and maintaining free, open source software tools, including the Open Science Framework (OSF).

The mission of the Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP) is to provide training, support, and professional growth opportunities for students and instructors completing replication projects, while also addressing the need for direct and direct+ replications of highly-cited studies in the field.