The TIER Network is a forum for exchange of ideas among instructors, researchers, and data support specialists working to integrate transparency and reproducibility into the training of students in quantitative research methods.
What are the benefits of joining the TIER Network?
- Members are invited to participate in live, moderated discussions with other members of the Network on topics of mutual interest.
- Each member is given a dedicated page on the Project TIER website where they can make their work visible to other Network members as well as the general public.
To join the TIER Network

Just fill out this brief form to let us know about your work. We will set up a new page on the TIER website for you to populate with information about yourself and your work, and keep you up-to-date as moderated conversations among Network members are organized. And to thank you for joining, we will send you a Project TIER water bottle.

Member Pages on the Project TIER Website
Network members use their pages on the Project TIER website to share information about themselves and publicize their work to a wide audience.
Activities that members have highlighted on their pages include:
- incorporating principles or techniques of research transparency in a quantitative methods course they teach
- leading or contributing to workshops or conference presentations on reproducible research
- organizing or participating in a department- or campus-wide initiative to promote research transparency
- articles or blog entries they have written about transparency and reproducibility
To see what other Network members have posted on their pages, click on the tiles in the roster of members below.

Florio Arguillas, Research Associate

Flavio Azevedo, Fulbright Fellow and Research Associate

Pallavi Banerjee, Programme Director, MSc Educational Research

Jerzy Baranowski, Associate Professor and Head of the Computer Science Laboratory in Control and Management, Department of Automatic Control and Robotics

Jade Barclay, PhD candidate in Medicine

Danillo Rafael Batista, Master's student in Political Science

Ben Baumer, Assistant Professor, Statistical & Data Sciences

Jennifer Beaudry, Academic Director (Research Training)

Megan Becker, Associate (Teaching) Professor of International Relations, Director of the USC School of International Relations’ Undergraduate Research Program

Carola Binder, Associate Professor of Economics

Lucas Borba-Miranda, Ph.D. candidate in Political Science

Nicholas Bussberg, Assistant Professor of Statistics

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Associate Professor of the Practice, Department of Statistical Science

David Colquhoun, Professor of Pharmacology

Chris Conway, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Alex Coppock, Assistant Professor of Political Science

Colleen Craig, Associate Teaching Professor of Chemistry, Academic & Student Affairs Teaching Fellow, in the Center for Teaching & Learning

Carolina Curvale, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Coordinator of Doctorate Program in Political Science

Amanda Domingos, Ph.D. student

Michael Dooley, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Tomas Dvorak, Professor of Economics

Aaron Ellison, Deputy Director, Harvard Forest

Nina Exner, Research Data Librarian

Antônio Fernandes, Master's student in Political Science

Dalson Figueiredo, Political Science assistant professor

Laura Fortunato, Associate Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology

Gili Freedman, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Morton Ann Gernsbacher, Vilas Research Professor and Sir Frederic Bartlett Professor of Psychology

Simon D. Halliday, Associate Professor of Economics Education

Sam Harper, Associate Professor of Epidemiology

Jan Höffler, Founder

Nicholas Horton, Beitzel Professor of Statistics and Data Science

Matthew Ingram, Associate Professor of Political Science

Nicole Janz, Assistant Professor of Political Science

Daniel K.N. Johnson, Schlessman Professor of Economics

Jenna Krall, Assistant Professor in the Department of Global and Community Health

Bernadette Lanciaux, Instructional Faculty

Benjamin Le, Professor of Psychology

Carmel Levitan, Associate Professor of Cognitive Science

Rodrigo Lins, Adjunct Professor, Department of Social Sciences

Ben Marwick, Associate Professor of Archaeology

Amelia McNamara, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer & Information Sciences

Norm Medeiros, Librarian of the College

Mariana Meneses, Ph.D. candidate in Political Science

Emma Mills, Teaching Associate, Psychology

Dana Milstein, Assistant Professor of Writing

Alex Montoye, Assistant Professor of Integrative Physiology and Health Science

Kara Moore, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Scott Moser, Associate Professor, School of Politics and International Relations

Marcus Munafo, University of Bristol, Chair, UKRN Steering Group

Anne Nurse, Professor of Sociology

Michael O'Hara, Associate Professor of Economics

Limor Peer, Associate Director for Research

Janelle Peifer, Assistant Professor of Psychology

Aneta Piekut, Senior Lecturer in Quantitative Social Sciences

Matthew B. Platt, Associate Professor of Political Science

Ian Rebouças Batista, Adjunct Professor of International Relations

Eike Mark Rinke, Lecturer in Politics and Media

Ingo Rohlfing, Professor for Methods of Comparative Political Research

David Ross, Associate Professor of Economics

Dan Sacks, Assistant Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy

John Towse, Professor of Psychology, Director of Research (Psychology)

Anthony Underwood, Associate Professor of Economics

David Vera, Professor of Economics

Jordan Wagge, Associate Professor of Psychology, Executive Director for the Collaborative Replications and Education Project

Soazic Elise Wange Sonne, Ph.D. Fellow

Elin Waring, Professor of Sociology, Coordinator, Data Science Methods and Applications minor

Ryan Womack, Data Librarian

Nathan Wright, Associate Professor of Sociology